Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Photography Events at the Vermont Folklife Center

Scott & Helen Nearing photo cropped

An evening with Almost Utopia photographer Rebecca Lepkoff
Friday July 10th
5-7 pm
Vermont Folklife Center
88 Main Street, Middlebury

As part of Middlebury's new town-wide ArtWalk, Lepkoff will share her thoughts about her life behind the camera lens, including her work in the 1950s capturing the essence of the alternative community that formed around Helen and Scott Nearing near Jamaica, Vermont. Lepkoff has been making photographs of New York City and Vermont since the late 1930's. She is associated with the Photo League era, and renown for her rare, vintage silver prints. Also on hand will be Greg Joly, Nearing scholar and co-author of the book, Almost Utopia, The Residents and Radicals of Pike¹s Falls
Vermont, 1950. Both Lepkoff and Joly will be available to sign copies of their recent published work.

For information about the Vermont Folklife Center, visit their website!