Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Night Photography

(c) Gary Hall Photography, All Rights Reserved

There is truly something magical about night photography - the mood, the shifts in color and light, the blurring of motion... if you have wondered about where to begin and want tips and instruction from a night photography expert, perhaps our NEW Night Photography workshop is something to check out this fall...especially if creeping about in the night with a camera sounds appealing...

Tuesdays, October 6-20; 6-9pm
$95, $85.50 BCA members
Prerequisite: Intro to the 35MM Film or Digital SLR or equivalent experience
Learn how to take successful night exposures and learn to see light you may not have known could be used to make beautiful images. Demonstrations, hands-on photo shoots and critique will be included. Bring your film or digital SLR, a small notebook, flashlight, cable release and a tripod.

Click here to register!
As always, scholarships are available.

Photography Summer Camps 2009!

Some images from our Teen photography summer camp program, taken by one of our fabulous TA's, Pat Galuuzo!