Sunday, August 22, 2010

Fall 2010 Photography Classes and Workshops

We have a busy Fall session planned here at the BCA Photography Program, with a full selection of introductory, intermediate and advanced black and white darkroom and digital photography classes and special workshops taught by our experienced and enthusiastic instructors and a new After School program for kids.  Our full fall class lineup is below and you can link to our website (link below each class) to register. Scholarships are available for all classes.

Introductory Camera Classes:
Learn those camera parts and the basics of composition to gain confidence in your skills!

Intro Film or Digital SLR Camera
Instructor: Dan Lovell
Wednesdays, September 22-Oct 27; 6:30-8:30pm 
Explore the basic workings of the manual 35mm film or digital SLR camera to learn how to take the photographs you envision. Demystify f-stops, shutter speeds and exposure, and learn the basics of composition, lens choices and film types/sensitivity.  Bring an empty manual 35mm film or digital SLR camera and it’s owner’s manual to class. 

Black and White Darkroom Classes:
Discover this beautiful, hands-on process in the soft orange glow of the darkroom or build upon your existing darkroom knowledge.

Intro to Black and White Film and the Darkroom
Instructor: Rebecca Babbitt
Thursdays, October 7 – December 9; 6:30-8:30pm (No Class Nov 11 & 25)
Discover the mysteries of the darkroom and make your own photographic prints! Learn how to properly expose black & white film, process film into negatives, and make prints from those negatives. At the end of this class, participants will be ready to use the darkroom independently as community darkroom members. Class includes a FREE one-month membership for use when the class ends. Bring an empty manual 35mm film camera to the first class. 

Mixed Level Darkroom
Instructor: Mary E. Johnson
Wednesdays, October 6 – November 17; 6-9pm  
Take your work to the next level in this eight-week class! Guided sessions to help you improve your printing and film processing techniques and discussion of the technical and aesthetic aspects of your work will be included. Cost includes a darkroom membership for the duration of the class for outside of class printing and processing.  

Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom:
Learn how to manage how digital images and make beautiful prints in our new Digital Media Lab!

Adobe Photoshop Basics for Photographers
Instructor: Dan Lovell
Tuesdays, September 21 – October 26; 6-9pm
Gain confidence working in Adobe Photoshop in this 6-week class. Uploading images into Adobe Bridge, use of Camera Raw, image correction tools such as color and white balance correction, layers, masks, selections, retouching and much more will be covered, as well as printing on our Epson 3880 printer. Bring a Mac-compatible portable flash drive or hard drive with your images to the first class.

Beyond the Basics: Adobe Photoshop Techniques
Instructor: Dan Lovell
Tuesdays, November 2 – December 14; 6-9pm (no class November 23)
Gain confidence with advanced Photoshop skills in this 6-week class. Advanced retouching, manipulating multiple images, creating actions, panoramas, selective contrast and much more will be covered, as well as printing on various archival papers on our Epson 3880 printer. Bring a Mac-compatible portable flash or hard drive with your images to the first class.  

From Camera to Print: Digital Workflow with Adobe Lightroom
Instructor: Robin Perlah
Wednesdays, November 3 – December 15; 6-9pm
Upload, organize, edit and print your digital photographs in this comprehensive class using Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. Importing images, using RAW files, organization, fine-tuning tone and contrast, color and white balance adjustments and archival printing on our Epson 3880 printer will all be covered. Bring a Mac-compatible portable flash or hard drive with your images to the first class.  

Special Workshops:
Take stunning fall landscape images and master photographic lighting techniques!

Photographic Lighting Techniques
 Instructor: Dan Lovell
Thursdays, November 18 – December 16; 6-9pm (no class November 25)
Learn the basics of photographic lighting and gain more creative control over your images in this four session workshop.  Portrait lighting, fill flash and use of studio lights/softboxes will be covered, as well as white balance control and other camera techniques. Bring your SLR camera and a tripod to the first class.

Fall Foliage Photography
Instructor: Gary Hall
Mondays, October 4 – 25; 6-9pm (no class October 11); Field Trip Saturday October 9
Capture stunning images of the Vermont autumn landscape in this hands-on workshop. Lecture, field shooting, critique and Photoshop image processing techniques will be included. Participants will also have the opportunity to print archival prints on our Epson 3880 printer. Bring your digital SLR camera, tripod and Mac-compatible flash or hard drive to class.
Click here to register!

Classes for Kids:
New afterschool offerings for kids ages 9-12!

After School Photography
Instructor: Michelle Colling
Tuesdays, October 19-November 9; 3:30-5:30
Learn the magic of the black and white darkroom in this fun, hands-on after-school class for kids ages 9-12! Kids will go on guided photo shoots and will print their own work in the darkroom. All equipment and supplies are provided. Great for kids who have participated in our summer camp program or for kids who have never been in the darkroom!
 Click here to register!